As with any type of dental implant treatment, All-on-4 requires you to have implant posts carefully placed in your jaw to act as new tooth roots. As such, you will want to make sure that you’re completely prepared for the recovery process after the procedure. To help with that, your dentist is here to explain what you can typically expect during your recovery – and what you can do to keep everything on track.
The All-on-4 Recovery Process
While your mouth will be numbed for the surgery, you are likely to experience discomfort afterward. There will also typically be some post-surgical swelling. These symptoms typically peak within the first two to three days, and they should gradually start to subside afterward. In the meantime, you can keep swelling down with the help of an ice pack, and you can take over-the-counter pain medication if you need to.
While your mouth is still healing, you’ll need to be careful about what you eat. Expect to stick to a diet of soft and liquid foods for at least three months until the implant posts have finished fusing with your jawbone.
How You Can Care For Your Mouth During Your Recovery
One of the most important things you can do to ensure that the recovery process goes as planned is to carefully follow your dentist’s instructions. Take any prescribed medications precisely as directed, and be sure to refrain from strenuous physical activity for the recommended amount of time (usually about a week).
You shouldn’t rinse your mouth during your first day of recovery. From the second day onward, though, you can rinse with warm salt water on a regular basis. Not only does this reduce the chances of a post-surgical infection, but it also helps keep swelling down.
Don’t forget to drink lots of water throughout the recovery process. Keeping yourself hydrated is essential if you want your mouth to heal successfully.
If you’re a smoker, bear in mind that you will need to avoid cigarettes for a while after the All-on-4 procedure. Smoking is known to interfere with the healing process in the mouth, and it can significantly increase the chances of complications occurring after your surgery. Talk to your regular physician if you need help giving up your smoking habit.
Remember, you can always talk to your dentist if you have any questions about the recovery process following your All-on-4 surgery. You’ll want to do everything you can to make sure there aren’t any problems; after all, once your mouth has successfully healed, you’ll be that much closer to being able to enjoy the full benefits that All-on-4 has to offer!
About the Author
Dr. Matthew Scarpitti earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery at Creighton University. He enjoys many different aspects of dental care, including implant dentistry. He’s proud to be able to help his patients enjoy complete smiles again with the All-on-4 procedure. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Scarpitti at Premier Dental Care of East Orlando, visit his website or call (407) 658-1111.